After learning about this fantastic product on my Dog Blog A Day Series in April, I approached the amazing people at Dicky Bags to get my very own custom version. But why I hear you ask? What is so special about a Dicky Bag...
Rather than fluff my way through without doing them justice, I thought I would give it to you straight, literally straight from their website.
The wonder that is the Dicky Bag:
Travelling with your dog? Picking up and being responsible? Full marks BUT… seriously why are you parading poop around like a trophy! Not enough bins I hear you cry, well sod’s law states that there is never a bin when you need it, which is why clever owners are investing in The Dicky Bag. The Dicky Bag is an award winning stylish neoprene bag that’s lightweight, airtight, washable and leak proof which can be attached to you or your dog and stores those nasty knotted plastic bags until you find a suitable bin. British invention, Patented design & Hand Made in Cornwall, The Dicky Bag is robust (original prototypes still going after 5 years). No more embarrassing moments, nasty niffs or disgusted looks; with The Dicky Bag poop bags are out of sight and out of mind. Dicky Bag, the civilised way to carry dog poop!
Want to know more go to
But why do we need to pick up after our dogs, especially in the countryside?
Well here is a little bit of information which changed my view as far as dog poop goes.
Did you know:
There are over 9 million dogs in Britain
Statistics show that 1 in 4 homes has a canine companion.
That’s a lot of poop to scoop!
In towns, cities and public spaces, it goes without saying 'Bag it and Bin it' with fines and notices up to remind us.
But what about in the countryside - is it okay to leave it to nature?
Dog poop is a microscopic menace - putting farm animals and wildlife at risk. Most of us wouldn’t be aware of this hidden killer. I know I wasn't until recently. I would 'bag it and bin it' in urban areas but I would get a stick and flick into the hedges out in the countryside. I changed my view after reading the following:.
There is a multitude of parasites in dog poop, the most deadly is the likes of Sarcocystosis and Neosporosis. The names are not the important factor, the problem is these parasites get into the ground and can survive for prolonged periods in water and soil, long after the poop has decomposed. The grazing animals can become infected when consuming feed or water that is contaminated with these parasites.
The parasite Neosporosis can result in miscarriage in cattle and Sarcocystosis can be responsible for neurological disease and death in sheep.
If that isn’t reason alone to pick up the poop. There is the problem of the ‘leaving the bag in a tree’ the worse of both worlds. Not only a breeding ground for these parasites to take a hold but also added damage to the environment with the plastic of the bag.
The Dicky Bag has revolutionised my dog walks and photo shoots, allowing me to carry on without the distraction of nasty niffs or swinging plastic bags, knowing the poop is safely stored way in my Dicky Bag until I find the nearest bin.
So impressed with this product, I have worked with Dicky Bags to have my own little range of branded poop carriers and treat bags, just for me and my valuable customers.
I always have my Dicky Bag strapped to me or my dog's lead when out walking, and another Dicky bag is now proudly attached to my camera bag for every shoot, well nearly every, I don't take it along for pony shoots, no bag is big enough for that!!
To learn more about Dicky Bags click here
To read my Dog Blog featuring Dicky Bags click here
Want one of my branded bags to call your own - buy now.