Seven of my images have made it through to The Xperience 2023 portrait awards round 3 finalist
The Press Release - whoop whoop
Photographer Fiona, of Fiona Crawford Horse & Dog Photography, has had seven images selected to be in the finals at this year’s Xperience Portrait Awards, marked on the technical excellence, mastery of light, as well as the emotion in expression that many possessed.
Fiona, who owns the horse & dog lifestyle photography business in Mid Devon, has had 7 images put through for the finals in three Categories. The portraits, selected out of over 1600 images in this, the last of three judging’s of the year, now go through to the finals on the 19th November at The Xperience Awards 2023 awards ceremony.
Ms Crawford said she was “so excited to have been images through to the final”, “to be chosen for these Awards against so many wonderful images from around the UK and Ireland is just a dream come true”.
Ever since The Xperience Awards, where launched in 2015, by Mark Cleghorn, we have seen the creative photographers excel in both visual recognition and business success. The awards were developed to encourage the courage of creativity in everyday shoots, used to inspire clients in thinking more about the portrait styling, whilst concentrating on capturing the character of the sitter.
Mark Cleghorn, the training director said: “as professional photographers, we know its tough out here in business, however, so many people cherish the portrait now more than ever and know its true value and not in just monetary terms. The Xperience photographers are encouraged to use the excuse of these awards to develop creativity, no matter how small, I applaud all of the Xperience photographers, who are all committed to delivering the total experience for a client.